This week I looked at the breakdown of visitors to FeverBee and was stunned to discover just how much it has changed over the years.
FeverBee Audience Breakdown, 2010
This is a breakdown of the audience from FeverBee back in 2010.
(click here for full image)
Notice how over half were based in the USA. There aren’t too many surprises in this bunch. Let’s see how this compares to today.
FeverBee Audience Breakdown, 2020
This is the audience breakdown so far for 2020.
(click here if image doesn’t show)
The USA now represents just 30% of the audience and the UK just 7%. This isn’t because fewer people are visiting from the UK/USA. Quite the opposite. Traffic from the USA and UK has risen at a steady rate every year.
This is a huge change. Not only are both India and Philippines now a bigger audience than the UK, other countries like Nigeria and South Africa are growing rapidly.
No-one notices a difference of a few % per year until five to ten years have passed.
This represents missed opportunities. I could have spotted the growth in India and Philippines a lot sooner. I could have helped sponsor or create early events, fly out there, and build a presence there, help start early communities. I can consider the same in Nigeria or South Africa today.
I’d bet your community is probably missing similar opportunities too. So, a quick task for you. If your community has been running for a few years, look at the composition of your audience by location several years ago compared to today.
What countries/regions are rapidly representing a growing share of your audience? How might you engage them?