Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Change The Way Your Team, Your Organization, And Your Clients Develop Communities

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

Can you guess the biggest problem most
community professionals have?

It’s their own company..or their clients, partners etc…

Most of you work on teams, in
organizations, or with clients that don’t know what you know about building

This means you don’t have the time, resources, manpower, or permission to do what you need to do to make your community succeed.

One of the goals for publishing Buzzing
, is to solve this problem.

What if your team, organization, and
clients did know what you know? What if they understand why you need to
undertake certain processes? What if they knew the reasonable time frames for
communities to develop and what the community needs at each stage? What if they knew how much a community costs?

Based upon your situation, we’re offering
to help you increase the knowledge your colleagues have. What if you could hand the people that need this knowledge not only a book about what it takes, but also an entire package designed to increase their knowledge about communities.

We’ve created packages below designed specifically to help your team, organization, clients and customers know more about how communities work and support your efforts.

Team Package – 10 Copies – £105 GBP (170 USD*)

If you work in a team on your community, it helps when everyone else in on the same page. When newcomers arrive, it helps to have a way to quickly bring them up to speed.

This package is designed to resolve that.

This package includes:

  • 10 copies of Buzzing Communities to share with your team.
  • Bonus Lesson: How to grow and manage a community team (with templates!).
  • Our template community management calendar.
  • Two-week course (covering conceptualization and growth).
  • Access to interviews with the world’s top community experts incl. Justin Isaf, Blaise Grimes-Viort, Cliff Lampe, Dr. Brian Butler, David Chavis and StackExchange.
  • Our step by step community building worksheets.

Purchase here:

Agency Package – 25 copies – £250 GBP (400 USD*)

This package is for agency’s (marketing, PR, design companies, web developers, moderation companies) that need their clients to be on the same page as they are. Would it be easier just to give them a book that explains what they need to know?

Wouldn’t it help if your clients knew what a community could/couldn’t do for them, how communities are grown and developed (especially the time-frame required!), and how to measure the success of a community?

This package includes:

  • 25 copies of Buzzing Communities to share with your clients.
  • Bonus Lesson 1: How to grow and manage a community team (with templates!).
  • Bonus Lesson 2: How to measure an online community’s health and return on investment.
  • Case study booklet: A hundred persuasive examples of successful communities.
  • Our template community management calendar.
  • Four-week course (covering conceptualization, growth, converting newcomers, and moderation).
  • Access to interviews with the world’s top community experts incl. Justin Isaf, Blaise Grimes-Viort, Cliff Lampe, Dr. Brian Butler, David Chavis and StackExchange.
  • 1 Place on our exclusive best practices group.
  • Our step by step community building worksheets.

Purchase here:

Association/Platform Package – 100 copies – £1000 GBP (1600 USD*)

We know many of you run associations or membership sites with hundreds of community members. Some of you even run your own community platform with thousands of members. This package is designed to add value to your offering, improve the ability of your members to develop communities, and position you as a leading source of community management expertise.

This package includes:

  • 100 copies of Buzzing Communities you can give to new/existing members.
  • Bonus Lesson 1: How to grow and manage a community team (with templates!).
  • Bonus Lesson 2: How to measure an online community’s health and return on investment.
  • Bonus Lesson 3: How proven social science theory applies to communities.
  • Bonus Lesson 4: Community platform design: Best practices.
  • Case study booklet: A hundred persuasive examples of successful communities.
  • Our template community management calendar.
  • Four-week course (covering conceptualization, growth, converting newcomers, and moderation).
  • Access to interviews with the world’s top community experts incl. Justin Isaf, Blaise Grimes-Viort, Cliff Lampe, Dr. Brian Butler, David Chavis and StackExchange.
  • 1 Place on our exclusive best practices group.
  • 1 Place on the Pillar Summit Professional Community Management course (£5000 GBP).
Event Package – 500 copies – £5000 GBP (8000 USD*)
I’ll be honest, I genuinely don’t expect anyone to buy this package. Where would you even store this many books? However, on the off-chance that you’re running a major community event and would like to offer every attendee a copy, or you would like to sleep in a bed of community management advice, well…now you can!
This package includes all of the above, and in addition:
  • I will happily speak at your event (my fees/costs incl. in price).
  • Access to full Pillar Summit training material.
  • 3 places on the Pillar Summit Professional Community Management course (£15000 GBP).
* Please note that the USD fees are estimates. The exchange rate fluctuates daily. Unfortunately we have to charge in British Pound for Eventbrite payments to work in the UK. If this is a major problem, e-mail me: and we can invoice for the amount (or pay via PayPal:

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