Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Ask A Dormant Member To Come Back

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

Make a list of 5 dormant members a day. Look at their past activity, their interests and topics they have participated in. Now craft an e-mail asking for their expertise on a past issue, or an invite to take an opposing view to another member or be involved in an activity that’s relevant to them.

Be specific to the individual. The reason you give for wanting them back has to extend far beyond just wanting them back. You have to create a clear reason for them, specifically each individual to rejoin your community.

Reaching out to dormant members is more effective than hunting new ones. You already have their contact information, permission to speak to them, you’ve motivated them to join and crossed the registration phase.

Avoid clichés. No generic marketing copy here: “hey, we haven’t seen you in a while…”. Be brief, specific and focused on the activity or debate you want the individual to be involved with.

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