Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

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Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

If you’re in the B2B sector, be aware your top customers pay for the privilege of talking to someone who uniquely understands their complex needs.

Trying to force people used to one level of service into another channel usually ends badly.

They might certainly benefit from asking the question in the community, but they’re equally likely to be happy with their current arrangement of talking to their dedicated rep.

You don’t need your biggest customers in a community for it to thrive, you need the majority of less valuable customers.

These are the customers with slightly less complex needs, often ask similar questions, and can consume too many resources trying to support. This is an audience who might not pay for premium support and can wait days for a response through typical channels.

A community is perfect for them. It cuts response times, provides a better range of responses, and tackles most problems without having to ask for an answer.

Of course, the more resources your community saves on these customers is more resources you can spend on your top customers.

Your community shouldn’t be for “everyone”. Be clear about your target audience and the unique value the community offers (and gains) from them.

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