Yes, You Can Do That

“We can’t do that, our platform won’t allow it” Only the second half of that sentence is true. The great thing about technology is you

Banning Issues vs. Opinions

Banning abuse against a minority group is clearly the right thing to do. Banning people who some deem to express hatred of minorities is more

No-One Remembers Popular Activity A Year Later

In early 2018, we began working with a client who was keen to build their community by leveraging their VIP relationships. A major VIP, they

A Thousand Tiny Broken Promises

“We’ll probably get round to working on that later” “I’ll get back to you on this shortly” “We might be able to do that” “We

The Cost of Every Message You Send To Your Community

I joined Elizabeth Warren’s community about a month ago. Since then I’ve received a couple of emails a day. Some of them are newsletter digests,

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