Speaking at Swarm in Sydney [Aug 20 – 21]

This August, I’ll be coming back to Sydney, Australia, to speak at Swarm about building communities which are indispensable to both your organization and your

What % Of Your Resources Do You Spend On Your Top Members?

I scraped a large sample of data from the Sonos community and reviewed what percentage of contributions the top 20 members are responsible for. It’s

Remarkable Rules Create Remarkable Communities

Spend 10 minutes watching Priya Parker discuss The Art of Gathering (trust me). Imagine a gathering where: You can’t mention your work. You can’t talk

Does Anyone Browse Categories?

Many communities devote their homepages to showing a list of categories. Don’t do this. A member with a burning question should be able to ask

What Members Want To See When They Suggest An Idea

Quick Note – I’ll be in Amsterdam July 22-23, I’d love to meet community pros in the area. * * * * * It’s not

Privacy Without Exclusivity Rarely Makes Sense

There’s little point in having a private community if it’s not exclusive. You lose all the benefits of an open community, without the gains in

Setting Precise Targets For Your Community Work

Community goals tend to fall into two buckets, umbrella targets and precision targets. If your target is to increase the number of active participants, reduce

Three Levels of Community Skills

In 2013, we were hired to try and revive a community in the finance sector which had struggled to reach critical mass since it was

Two Big Decisions Which Determine Your Community’s Success

One of our common observations with clients is they want their communities to be bigger and more active without doing anything to deliberately attract more

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