Accepted Solutions and Best Answers

An accepted solution is a solution to the original poster’s question. A best answer is someone’s subjective opinion of the best response from a range

Cleaning Up The Community

Adding more is a good thing…until it isn’t. Over time, it becomes harder for members to find the good stuff, follow conversations, recognise other members

Customer Community vs. Brand Community

James reminded me this week they’re not the same thing. If you really love a brand and what it represents, you’re probably part of a

Before You Launch That New Feature In Your Community

Does it have any chance of doubling any metric that matters to you? (growth, activity, call deflection etc…?) Does it strategically reinforce whatever it is

Don’t Ask For More Resources, Ask To Raise The Bar

Asking for more resources is a fool’s errand. You’re asking to increase the costs of the community without a clear benefit. Why would anyone agree

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