Building More Bridges

Our team at the UN had a meeting every Thursday afternoon. Our team was small. There were 5 to 8 of us. We were part

Diagnosing Decline In Participation

diagnosing a decline in participation

Many of us are experiencing stress over declining activity within the community. If you’re in this position, the first step is to determine the cause

More Effective Than A Public Welcome

Once you have around 10 to 15 newcomers joining a week, you can’t publicly welcome each of them. It wouldn’t help newcomers feel a part

The Negative Priming Problem

Be careful not to negatively prime your communications to members (forgive the irony). Negative priming occurs when we expose the audience to a negative stimuli

What’s The Opposite Of A Poisonous Jelly Bean?

Groups are persuaded more by emotive imagery than rational facts. Facts can help shape the image, but the image reigns supreme. Consider putting the refugee

Building A Closer Team With Your Colleagues

building a closer team with your colleagues

You probably don’t work in isolation. You work with colleagues. You probably work as part of a team of 3 to 15 people. You have

Why Not Beirut?

Or better, why don’t we show the same level of support for Beirut? Or Ankara? Or victims of the Russian plane bombings? It’s not the

Wrap Your Gems of Knowledge In Big, Crisp, Images

Wrap Your Gems of Knowledge In Big, Crisp, Images

Your brain is an image factory. Right now it’s churning these raw words into a big picture for your mind. The majority of us think

More Smoke And Bigger Mirrors

It’s tempting to inflate the numbers. It’s tempting to claim 400 when you have 200 people. Bigger numbers suggest a bigger community. Bigger communities appear

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