Example Of A Successful Brand-Created Community (that’s not a customer service site)

A great example of a successful branded online community. You can learn a lot from Bosch’s BeThePro.

Push Notifications And Single Function Apps

Condensing the entire community experience into an app doesn't work well. It's unwieldy for people staring at small screens, using big fingers, in a moving vehicle.

Join Europe’s Top Community Professionals In London (Speaker list)

If you weren’t sure about attending SPRINT Europe on Feb 24 – 25, we hope this will persuade you. Please send it to your boss, colleagues,

The Community Saviour Complex

If you think you’re going to save a community, you probably won’t.  There is a term for this. It’s called the messiah complex (or saviour

Where Do We Experience Community? (and why forums are struggling)

Many platform vendors are going through a tough time.  Others are experiencing breakneak growth Part of that can be attributed to the PR, marketing and

SPRINT Europe: An Event For Europe’s Top Online Community Professionals

4 years ago, Rebecca Newton and Oxana Morozowska realized we had too few events for too many community professionals in the UK. Even the events

How Communities Form Opinions And How You Can Change Those Opinions

Gustav explained this 119 years ago.  Crowds (and communities) are irrational, illogical, and easily swayed by those with charisma making loud, absolutist, arguments.  Your’re probably

Every Large Social Group Has A Clique That Screws Everyone Else

In most large groups, there is a core group of members at the top and everyone else scrambing for rewards at the bottom. This core

The 1, 10, 100 Principle

You need 1 community professional for 10 months at a cost of $100k to get an online community up and running.

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