Persuade Members They Can Make Unique Contributions

Here’s the most persuasive tip I know to getting a member to participate.  Persuade the member that their unique skills, experience, and expertise, can be

Unique, Shared, Experiences

Back in 2012, I invited a group of new friends to watch the chess boxing world championships conveniently hosted in London.  Frankly, it's a ridiculous

Would Your Company Like To Reach Thousands Of Community Professionals?

We've decided to change how event sponsorships work.  Most sponsors get a crummy deal. They get a few mentions, a tiny exhibition space, and maybe

How Do You Spend Your Time?

Install RescueTime.  I've been using it for years. We invite the community managers of our clients to use it.  You've heard of this already I

When To Welcome Newcomers

It’s not when they join. At least not in most communities. Many of those that register don’t have the intention of ever participating. You’re wasting

Looking For News Writers

I recall most amateur gaming communities occasionally putting up adverts for news writers.  This would be for people that wanted to contribute news to the


Dr. Sally Raskoff writes about Facebook’s struggle with gender (not to be confused with sex, a biological duality). After considerable consultation, Facebook now allows 58

Knowing Who Can Approve / Disapprove

A quick tip. Before we begin a community project, we build up a big list of everyone that can approve or disapprove anything we do

Cross Linking To The Community

LonelyPlanet's website is cleverly integrated with the community. Much of the advice is generated by the community. This is then used within the content.  For

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