Member News

Your members are always doing something interesting, even if they don't know it. They're changing jobs, getting married, having children, launching major new projects being

VIP Members

Don’t target influencers when you launch a community. The people with the existing audience and reputation are the least likely to convert into regular active

Testing Ideas Quietly

Greg and I have been testing a podcast for community professionals.  It's not right for mass-consumption yet, but that didn't stop several of you finding

Paid Membership Communities

Some communities, like our own CommunityGeek, the great team at the Community-Roundtable, BackPackingLight, and eCommerceFuel are paid communities. To be a member you have to

The Curious Case Of Privacy

If you were to read the news, you would assume all community members (and thus community managers) are very concerned with their online privacy.  We

250 Community Professionals Are Going To SPRINT, Will You Join Them?

FeverBee’s Community SPRINT October 29th – 30th 250 Community Professionals Yes everyone, this is it. On the 29th to 30th October, we’re going to run

Community Rituals

David Spinks has a fun tradition for the CMXSummit. Everyone jumps up and applauds speakers as they walk on stage. It’s fun for participants and

Building Early Participation Habits In Your Online Community

Here's a typical approach to growing a community in which members participate. None of these ideas will be new to you.  1) Ask your members

Six Great Community Concepts

The best community concepts are aligned to an existing motivation. They help us do something we already want to do.  The BJFogg model is a

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