A Few Working Definitions

Even academics disagree. Let’s try to use more specific definitions. Online Community. A community is a group of people whom have developed online relationships around

Don’t Use Recognition Shortcuts

For recognition to work, it has to be meaningful. Congratulating members on joining your communities isn’t meaningful. Recognition is a complex tool. If it feels

Motivations For Crowdsourcing

Two years ago, someone approached us with a novel idea. They were going to create a crowdsourcing a site where members would share product/service manuals.

Priming Group Commitment

If it’s too easy to join the community, the act of joining carries no mental significance. It has no impact upon whether someone is likely

Don’t Fight Anger With Facts

Sarah was completely right and lost her role (fortunately, not her job). During a member uprising, she explained in clear, precise, terms, how they were

Speaking At CMGR Boston

I’ll be speaking about content and community at CMGR Boston on May 28th. If you would like to attend, click here. 

Mental Buckets

We have two mental buckets; work and play. The work bucket is where we place all the activities we have to do. This bucket is

Bragging, Self-Esteem, And Status-Jockeying Discussions

Here’s a common (and tedious) question in community circles; how do you prevent burnout? This question allows people to talk about themselves. It allows people

Important People

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