Online Community Skills, Knowledge, and Tactics

There aren’t that many proven community building tactics. You can learn them all with relative ease. The challenge is when you use them and how

Talk Up To The Community

Aside from being very funny, there is a lot of truth to the Condescending Corporate Brand Page.  Whether on Facebook, or on other platforms, there is

Our Online Community Strategy Template

Most community strategies are either irrelevant, utopian, impractical, or have no understanding of how communities develop. To tackle this, we’re today releasing the strategy template

Narrowing The Community Focus Boosts Activity Per Member

You have a choice with your community; you can narrow the focus or you can broaden it. If you narrow the focus, it means you’re

User Moderated Communities

Do user moderated communities work? Sometimes, but not often.  Members might flag an item of spam. They're far more likely to complain to you about

Online Communities For Start-Ups: Focus On The Meaning

Communities for start-ups tend to take one of two approaches. The first approach is the most common. The community manager is hired to manage the

The Secrets Of The Demographics

Demographics get little attention from community managers. The way you approach building a community for those aged 65+ is very different from those aged 8

Make The Community About Your Members

This sounds obvious, but it’s ignored often. Make the community about your members.  Not the brand, but the members. Communities about brands usually struggle. The

Online Communities – Best Practices Newsletter

Wouldn’t it be terrific if there was a simple newsletter filled with proven best practices for building communities that you could share with colleagues?  Now

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