The WELL Business Model

I was struck by this report about The WELL being sold. “As other online communities and social networks emerged over the years, The Well’s subscriber

The Single Biggest Issue

Abdul recently told me about a Facebook group created to tackle a spate of break-ins in the local area. Once the issue was resolved, the

Fairness And Process

People get upset when they feel something isn't fair. Yet fairness isn't about the outcome, it's about the process. You won't make people any happier

The Huge Gap Between Reading and Participating

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The difference between someone reading and participating is huge. Too many organizations aim to attract readers. They try to get experts publishing content that members

The Hard Work Begins After Registration

In June, Google+ said they had 250m registrants and 150m+ active participants. Last week, Google+ said they have 400m registrants and 100m+ active participants.  Google+ sees

Making ‘Real’ Communities

Is it really amazing when online communities act like real communities? Howard Rheingold has been documenting this for over two decades.  Communities (online or offline) are

Community Management Framework

We’ve covered this before, forgive the repetition (it’s for the newcomers!) Community management comprises of 8 elements: 1) Strategy. Establishing and executing the strategy for

Techniques To Help Measure The ROI Of An Online Community

We’re passionate about measuring the ROI of communities. If an organization is investing in a community, they deserve to know what they’re getting for their

Using Communities To Attract New Business

You generally shouldn't start communities to attract new customers. The only people that join, are people already in your audience (typically your customers). Why would

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