The Online Community Joining Process

Marketing graduates are well-drilled in the buyer's decision making process. It goes something like this… The customer identifies a need. The customer searches for information to

Latest Activity

Just because you can show all teh latest activity in a community doesn't mean you should. Actually, you probably shouldn't. Redundant activity makes the activity

Community Managers As Leaders

I worry about community managers with a leadership complex. Leadership in itself isn’t terrible. Leaders will often emerge from a community. My worry is specifically community

Tackle The Big Problems

Some clients have a big problem they try to work around. They might be stuck with the wrong platform, lack resources for a full-time community

Free Online Community Management Resources On The Web

There are a lot of free resources available on the web to help newcomers and experienced professionals become better Community Mangaers. Below are a selection

Creating Better Volunteering Roles In Your Community

If you’re struggling to keep the forums moderated, you might want some volunteers. The typical approach here is to advertise for volunteers to moderate the

Reputation Systems Are Better Than Game Mechanics

Dan Marotta advocates for adding game mechanics to online communities: “By making things competitive, you encourage members to engage in the desired behaviors and goals

Hampton People

Paul has done a fantastic job with Hampton People.  On the surface it's a hyperlocal community which is just taking off. But go back to

Rethinking How We Hire Online Community Managers

We urgently need to rethink how we hire community managers. At the moment too many organizations, with little idea of what makes a great community

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