High Contact Means High Involvement

The more contact you have with members, the more involved they will be. If you were building a community in the real world, you would

The Real Threat To Every Online Community

Television is the biggest threat to your community. There are also lots of productive things that people can do instead of participating in your online

Making Things Happen In Your Community

If you’re struggling to get your community to do something, it’s probably because you’re telling them to do it. This doesn’t work too well. It


Science Daily is wrong. Burning through community members is not a decent approaching to keeping your community active. It’s the worst thing you can do.

Naming Your Community

Your community name is a powerful symbol. Don’t waste it. Picking the wrong name can do real harm. Picking the right name can do wonders.

Targeting Strong Connections

This is an online community for Germans over 40. Hmm, over 40… I’m not sure that’s old enough to have an affinity with other members.

Nearly Every Business Can Bring Their Audience Together With Basic Community Building Principles

Most community literature can be boiled down to this: 'get people in the same room and get them to talk to each other'. If you

Don’t Accept Anonymous Comments

Matt’s right, allowing anonymous comments is a terrible idea. However, don’t force people to reveal information about themselves which isn’t relevant. Often that includes their

Your Products Must Be Symbols For An Online Community To Work

It’s hard to build a community around brands that aren’t symbols for something bigger. There’s no uniting purpose. You don’t introduce yourself to someone drinking

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