8 Ways To Merge Your Online Community With The Real World

There is a big problem with online communities. Members think of them online communities as places they go. Not something they are in their daily

Ignoring Proven Tactics For Successful Online Community

Virgin Pioneers picked a crummy name and used a video-based communications tool. Homebase hid their community behind their content.  How many successful online communities use videos

Narrow Your Membership Focus

Would you join an online community for people living in the USA? What about people living in New York? Or perhaps just Manhattan? Perhaps an

Fundraising From Online Communities

If you want to fundraise from online communities, don’t start by asking for money. Start by developing a community of people that care about the

You Can Learn A Lot From This Wildly Successful Online Community

TES Connect (Teachers and Education professionals) is one of the most successful online communities in the world. TES Connect has over 944,000 members publishing 3,770

Pre-Approve The People Not The Messages

Pre-approving messages is a terrible idea in every circumstance. It slows conversations down to crawl. People don’t get the behavioural reward of posting a comment

The Problem With Great Advice

When you hang out with friends, you probably don’t spend all your time giving each other advice. Do you know why? Because it’s not really

Why Will People Participate In Your Online Community

I wrote this two years ago, it still trips most people up. Complete this sentence in no more than 12 words. People will participate in

What Happens When You Pick Content Over Community

Homebase launched a good idea today, a community for people that want to start gardening. It’s not named after Homebase, it’s got a strong purpose

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