Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

What You Can Learn From 1500+ Online Communities

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

In the past few months, we’ve built up a list of every branded community we can find. We’re up to 1500+ English-speaking communities and growing (we’re excluding Facebook/LinkedIn groups etc…).

These range from the big giants in telecoms, media, and healthcare to tiny consultancies and independent retailers. We use this list to benchmark clients in almost any field.

The beauty of this list is it creates some common standards to track progress and it highlights the outliers.

For example, this is a (cropped) snap from a benchmarking report I’m putting together for a client.


That circle on the right is an outlier. We can deconstruct these outliers to see what they are doing differently and then use these insights to ensure our clients are better than anyone else in their field.

This is easy when you have 1500+ communities to work from.

If you sign up for our Strategic Community Management course, we will give you access to communities most similar to yours on this list.

You can then design your own benchmarks against competitors, identify outliers, and reverse-engineer what they’re doing to improve your community efforts.

Prices will rise by $140 this week, we hope to see you there. We hope you see you there.

p.s. Free webinar tonight on achieving your community’s big wins. Click here to sign up.

p.p.s. Last week to participate in the CMX research survey.

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