Following from yesterday.
It’s hard to find interesting stories about your members.
If you’re having a slow day, here are a few tips:
1) Ask 5 members what they think about a topical issue, publish the results in an article.
2) Research your member’s LinkedIn profiles. Look for anything that makes an interesting story. One CommunityGeek member went from an account executive to a director of community within 18 months. That sounds like an interesting story. Another did a community of practice for Enron. It’s not hard to dig up interesting stories.
3) Take news from Twitter/Instagram/Facebook profiles. Look for news about their jobs/careers/marriages/children etc. All of these make for good community news stories. Check it’s ok to cover it first!
4) Ask big names what they’re up to. People always want more news about the equipment they use. If you can get unique news, publish it. Almost everyone is doing something interesting in their lives. Or ask them a question that’s come up in the community.
5) Cover upcoming events. Write a story about an upcoming event (or a previous event). Who went? What was the gossip? What did they like/not like? Who were the stars of the events?
6) Within the community. Find the stories members are sharing about themselves within the community. Create news posts based upon these stories.
None of these is incredibly time consuming. All of these leads to interesting content about people within that community.
On October 29th to 30th, the world’s top 250 community professionals are going to SPRINT in San Francisco. Will you be one of them?