Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

FeverBee Is Hiring A Community Manager

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

We’re hiring a community manager for a terrific new project.

We’re building an exclusive community for people that love the data and psychology side of communities as much as we do.

Read this before you apply.

Based upon past experience, I suspect we’ll get around 200+ applications. To save us both time, please make sure you match the following criteria.

    1. You’re crazy passionate about the field of community management (not social media platforms, but proper communities). You can show us the material you’ve published, events you’ve attended, and things you’ve done to advance the field. If we can’t see what you’ve done already, we won’t hire you.


    1. You’re well connected. You can prove you have strong links with other key people in this space. You have the credibility to call upon other people you already know to participate in the community.


    1. You have experience. We’re not looking for a rough diamond this time, we’re looking for the final product. We’ll provide training, but we want someone that has built a community before – and can send us the link to that community.


    1. You love the data/theory side of building communities. We’ll test you on this, so know your stuff. If you don’t know the principles of data or any key theories behind community development, this is not for you.


  1. You’re a do-er and 100% reliable. If you always do tasks at the last minute, this isn’t the job for you. We want someone that gets stuck in and achieves results. We have very little patience for excuses.

If you’re applying from outside of the UK, be aware you will be responsible for fulfilling your tax obligations.


The Perks

At FeverBee we hire terrific people and provide a platform for them to do their life’s work. To help you do that we provide the following:

  • Full training in communities and community development (with certification). We’ll train you to be a leading expert in this field.
  • Work from home and with flexible hours. You decide what hours you work (with agreed results to achieve). You can have a job and a life. You can go to the gym or meet friends in the afternoon, work the hours you feel most productive, and swap days as you see fit.
  • Access to our virtual assistants. You can keep the mundane, repetitive, tasks off your desk and free up your time to focus on your key goals.
  • Freedom to achieve goals in any manner you like. This is an entrepreneurial role. You will be building and managing a community.
  • Travel to events. Some see this as a burden, others a perk. Take your pick. Our work has taken us to UK, USA, Canada, China, Australia, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Lithuania, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, and a few more.

Send your application to

* Note: We are not looking to hire social media managers.

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