Millions of community interest pages are about to appear on Facebook. These pages will be formed by our stated interests. If you and I both like the ukulele, we’ll be connected to the ukulele community page.
Next these pages will have discussion sections. They might feature upcoming events and their own walls. They might resemble current fan pages but without the admin control.
The system will be clunky (at first). The key features will take time to appear. The overwhelming majority of these community pages wont go anywhere. This misses the point. Automatic registration will be huge.
We wont have control. How different will your community efforts be if you’re merely a participant? How will you lead a community without official power? How will you treat disruptive members you can’t remove? How will you stimulate activity and keep people engaged?
Some community managers are going to discover they can’t manage a community without the power. The good ones are going to realize they didn’t need the real power after all.