Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

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Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

Set up Google alerts for your topic and the
word book.

You want to find people that are publishing
a book relevant to your topic.

Invite them to a live interview for the
community and ask for 20 copies to giveaway. Authors are very keen to reach
this specific group of people.

Look on LinkedIn for people that have
recently joined a relevant company at a high position. Invite them to do an
interview for the community talking about their life and career. Create a
regular column of people on the move within your sector (Jeremiah did this well
for years).

Afterwards, ask if they would like a
regular column or can give your community exclusive first look/trial versions
of the product to generate buzz.   

Search for terms relevant to your topic and
the word conference/event/exhibition/tournament. Find who runs the event. Ask
for a discount for members from your community. Interview the person behind the

There are many key people in your sector.
Your community should build relationships with every one of them.

You want these key people to endorse your
community, help you get exclusives for members (news or products/services), participate in your community, and
promote the community to their own audiences. 

For most communities, awareness is your
biggest barrier. This is easy to change.  

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