Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Stimulating Knowledge-Seeking Behaviour

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

The dominant online behaviour is image-creation to impress our peers.

We try to impress each other by demonstrating expertise, curating idealised identities, and cultivating a dense network of connections.

It’s difficult to admit we don’t know something. It’s even harder to do it in front of people you know, especially people you consider your peers.

Communities of practice (or knowledge-sharing communities) face this problem often. You can find dozens of people to answer questions. It’s hard to find people willing to ask questions.

They have too much to lose. They think their peers will think less of them, their boss will think less of them, and someone will will demonstrate greater knowledge in their field.

One solution, supported by a study in South Korea, is to allow pseudonymous contributions (yes, even in an internal community). If people can’t be easily identified, they’re free to ask any questions they like.

Yes it may be sometimes be possible to identify the initiator by the content of the question, but that’s better than it always being possible to identify the initiator of the question.

If you’re struggling to get good questions, allow people to ask questions anonymously or using a pseudonym.

Also see:

On Feb 24 – 25, we’re inviting 250 of you to hear the world’s top online community professionals speak at SPRINT Europe in London. If you want to learn more, click here.

You have 55 days remaining to buy tickets.

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