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Cut Out Every Unnecessary Word

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

You’re probably communicating too much redundant information to your community.

You might be sending out too many messages or by filling those messages with unnecessary information.

This causes two problems.

First, you’re burying the key points in any message. Your members are less likely to do what you need them to do if you’re overwhelming them with too much information. And that point of overwhelm is a lot lower than you might imagine.

Second, it’s training your audience to ignore most of what you say. If you fill your communications with too much redundant information, members get used to ignoring most of it.

Many community’s use some variation of the following in their newcomer journey:

“Subject: Welcome to the community”

“Welcome to the community! We’re thrilled to have you with us and we’re looking forward to helping you in your [xyz] journey. The [xyz] community is a place to ask and answer questions, browse for information and make connections with people just like you.”

This entire paragraph is redundant and the subject line is written to be ignored.

No-one will remember it tomorrow and the word ‘community’ pretty much implies all of the above. If people can see questions and answers on the homepage, then you don’t need to announce that’s what they can do there.

Your members will only remember 2 to 3 points of any communication – and that will only happen if they stand out and are memorably written.

Far better to use something like:

“Subject: 3 Things Insiders Know About [Topic] (that you probably don’t)”

“Let’s get started

There are three things our members know which you probably don’t (yet).

These are:….





Whatever I write for 1), 2), and 3), I can pretty much guarantee the majority of people will read it.

I can put in unique rules, inside jokes, or some background information that will engage members far better than any dull welcome email.

So, do a review of the copy on your site and the information you’re sending out. Try to remove about a 3rd of your copy and a 3rd of the content within your copy. Then rewrite it to be far more engaging.

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