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Reputation Signals And Resumés

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

StackOverflow introduces one of the most impressive new community ideas in a while; technical resumés.

Members can now create a story based upon their score and contributions to the community. This lets the top members stand out and gives employers more information.

Not everyone will use it. Most people don’t have a good enough reputation. I suspect though as employers see it more and more often they might start requesting it.

This is such an incredibly useful (and transferable) idea.

The genius is using a reputation score as an asset which offers members something of even greater value (which is the way reputation is supposed to work). Good scores (and extra participation/helping people) can lead to better career prospects.

Perhaps having an entire developer story is beyond your site’s coding ability, but having a single grading, rating, or score that can be easily linked to for employers is definitely an idea that can be used elsewhere.

Hiring an employee is usually a $50k+ decision. If you have two equal candidates but one has solved 134 questions, is a top-10 rated member, and has a solid track record over several years, it’s not really a close contest.

For most of us, this is going to mean figuring out how to include two simple questions.

How many problems have members solved and how difficult were those problems? How can you let members show this off?

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