Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Key Dates Your Community Can Celebrate

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

These are some things your community can celebrate each year.

  • Birthday. Your community should have a birthday. Plan some small events, give presents to the top members, have the CEO give a small online talk and ask for volunteers in some planning.
  • New Year’s Eve. Not this year, from last year. Remember when everyone made their community-related resolutions and/or predictions? Now you can celebrate the members who were right, or achieved their goals.
  • JohnnyFab’s Day. Like Columbus day, but rather celebrating something terrific one of your members did the year before. Did they achieve something monumental in your community? Write a groundbreaking article? Get your community mentioned in the New York Times?
  • Four Figure Day. The day you got 1000 members in your community. Highlight the 1000th member. Give a reward to the first 1000 members. Talk about some of the key contributions of those first 1000 members.
  • Charity Day. Did your community raise a lot of money for charity? Celebrate that too.
  • Hall of fame day. Have one special day a year where members get inducted to your community’s hall of fame. Make a big event from it, accept nominations.
  • Survival Day. Was your community nearly shut down? Did you come close to not being a community anymore? Celebrate your survival.

A countdown clock with a call to action for members to get involved would be a great idea.

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