Using Associations To Prime Social Behaviour

Every colour, word, smell, image, sound provokes a set of associations we inherited growing up (and a few before we were born). These associations prime

The Messy Baggage Behind Complex Social Groups

Everyone brings a lot of baggage into every social setting. That baggage includes good and bad relationships, established habits, existing belief systems, values, culture, hopes, fears,

Designated Expert

If a member has proven adept at gaining skills or experience within a particular topic, designate them as an expert. Members can apply to be

Don’t Waste Time Reactivating Long-Lost Members

I haven’t seen too many examples where a community reactivated a double-digit % of their former members. Don’t waste your time trying to reactivate former

Structuring People vs. Discussions

Do categories serve a purpose?  When you’re with your friends, do you categorise discussions neatly into different areas of the room? Or time-slots within the

When The Community Needs A Leader, Not A Manager

In the beginning, you usually need a leader.  This leader needs connections, expertise, or charisma to get a community started. They need to convince a

The Star Of The Community

Imagine the behaviour of your popular community manager becomes intolerable in the office  After several warnings, you decide to remove him/her.  How would you do

Don’t Personalise The Experience

Personalising an entire community experience around individual interests sounds smart.  If a member can tag topics they like, you can ensure they see discussions/content solely

A Simple Principle

You have to be taking the actions you want members to take. That means you. If you want members to ask questions, reply to each

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