Initiator Inequality

Participation inequality is a bunk idea. Initiator inequality is not. Most people are happy to follow the crowd and not risk social rejection. Finding the

Why Evidence Doesn’t Change Someone’s Mind

Imagine a friend reads an article which uses scientific references to prove that vaccinations might be linked to autism.  He doesn't have a scientific background

Flood of Traffic

What would you do if your community suddenly received a flood of traffic? My article in The Guardian today. Also follow #fbsprint for the best

Abandoning The Fixed Idea

We need to do more audience research and better audience research. If we do it right, we’ll overcome our fixed idea. 2 years ago we

Design An Organisation For A Community, Not A Community For An Organisation

Yammer and Zappos are changing how they work internally. 37 signals did the same a long time ago.  Many other organisations are tinkering with their

In Person Meetings Reduce Online Anti-Social Behavior

From this terrific piece in the New York Times: The Gyges effect, the well-noted disinhibition created by communications over the distances of the Internet, in

The Post-GamerGate World For Community Managers

For decades, sexist, homophobic, and anti-minority behaviour was a sad, inescapable, reality of most online communities. Community pros generally responded to the norms of our

2015 Happenings

A few happenings: 1. Sarah Judd Welch launched 2. David Spinks relaunched CMXHub and is about to announce CMX East 3. Lauren Perkins published

FeverBee Is Looking For A Brilliant Community Consultant

We’re growing the FeverBee team once again. This time we’re looking for a community consultant, this is the most skilled level we hire for. It’s

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