What’s The Worst That Could Happen?

You don’t have to use your imagination, you can see what has happened to other organizations. The extremes are not hard to find. Communities have

Converting Event Momentum Into Community Activity

Events create momentum. They foster connections. They engender excitement and anticipation. There is a small window, immediately after an event, to sustain that momentum and

Influence Or Remove?

There are sometimes good reasons to turn off comments. We don’t allow them here for example. This isn’t the place where we want to build

Group Polarization

Due to this study and the danger of impacting what studies get funding, Popular Science has turned off their comments. The study notes those exposed

Gamification Can Hurt A Community

A gamification expert used these graphs to prove gamification works: Once he added gamification, activity skyrocketed. You see, gamification works! Clearly, this isn’t the full

You’ve heard about the brand that…

…gave their top community member a lifetime supply of their product for free. …or replied to a tweet from a member in a funny, novel,


At first glance, FunVille, is glaring. Few organizations would want their community to look like this. However, then you notice the community has 1.2m+ posts.

A Broader Community Professional’s Toolkit

If you haven’t mastered social sciences, you have a very narrow toolkit. If you want to increase activity within a community, you’re limited to changing

Selfish Appeals

Don’t ask people to join a community to ‘connect’ or ‘share’ with members. Use appeals that target specific motivational triggers.  Ensure that members need to interact

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