The Resource Problem With Successful Communities

If your community grows too big, you might face a resource problem. You no longer have the staff  to manage the community (or communities). You

The First Discussions You Want Members To Participate In

Newcomer introduction threads don’t work well. They’re long, boring, few people read them, and usually encourage people not to participate (it’s tough to talk about

Your Personality Problem

When you launch your community it's fun. You're not going to be the typical community manager, you're going to be different. You're going to be

How To Become A Star Member Of Any Community

What if you sent your community the following message: Hi everyone,  I’d like to share a few things that might help you be a star

Celebrating The Happy Events

It's good to let members submit their own, personal, news to the community. You don't have to use it, but you really should.  When members


Some, like 4Chan, revel in their reputation for rude/crass jokes and broadly bugging people. Others, like Mumsnet, love their reputation as activists helping mums achieve

Your Own Participation

Why do you personally participate in your community? If your community is your hobby, then continue as you were. It's just for fun. If you're

You Don’t Need A Launch Day

Launch days are a bad idea. They build hype and anticipation. They shift the focus to the short-term at the expense of the long-term. They

Challenging Community Dogma

We need to proactively challenge community dogma with hard data. Much of what we believe to be true, is a myth.  I used to think

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