The Co-Founders Approach

Compare these two questions below to a recipient of your organization’s mailing list. “Would you like to join a new online community?” “Would you like

Popular Discussions

Do you know what most discussions are about? People. People mostly talk about other people.  In the early stages of developing a community (when you're

Community Managers And Existing Passion

It helps if the community manager is familiar with the topic. Actually, it helps if the community manager is very passionate about the topic. It

Cater To The Hardcore Fans

It’s better to cater to the most hardcore fans of the topic. Some people worry about this. They worry that if the discussions are too

The Best Way To Monetize An Online Community

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s not advertising. That’s invasive and usually clogs activity. The best way to monetize a community is to develop products/services that your audience really wants

Why You Shouldn’t Launch A Community

Here is a simple task, search for the phrase launches an online community. You can use Google, press release distribution websites, or the search function

Understanding Motivation In Online Communities

A few organizations are heading in the wrong direction.  They believe game mechanics will encourage contributions within a community. They use a free incentive to

Perceptions and Momentum

You want a member to embrace the community identity. You want them to mentally commit to that community. They wont do that if they think

Fake Exclusivity

Launching an exclusive community can be a great idea. You can target and attract a specific group of people. You can generate an extremely strong

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