
Photos are a great way to increase self-disclosure. Many communities can add an area where members can upload their topic-related photos. You don’t need to make

Page Views Per Member

Heather mentioned her community has reached 15,000 page views in just a few months. Her engineers are excited. But is that good? Well, it depends. How

Why You Should Find It Impossible To Launch A Community Ghost Town

If you follow a sensible community development process, it should be impossible to launch a community platform that no-one joins.  There shouldn't be a breath-holding

Employee Online Communities

Vanessa writes an interesting post on internal online communities for employees. I worry that she misses a key point. Employee communities are very similar to

Thank You Gifts

The problem with offering tangible rewards to increase participation is it usually has a negative long-term impact.  Members that were previously making contributions for internal

Working Forwards From Motivational Drivers To Features

When consulting, I find many organizations work backwards. They decide what features they want in the community and then try to figure out how to

The Genius Of Kotex’s Community

Periods, boys, whatever… That’s how Kotex advertises their community. Take a look at this thread (don’t be squeamish guys). How does Kotex benefit from this?

Audience Analysis In Online Communities

Audience research is too important to skip.  If you haven’t got a community, you should do it before you start. If you have a community,

Social Density In Online Communities

Social density is the number of interactions within an area. Offline, a lot of people talking in a small room produces many fascinating behavioural changes.

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