The Only Way To Get The Best People In Your Community

…only let the best people in. This is a basic rule of building communities, people will recruit others like them. The most intelligent, beautiful, successful,

Weekly Chat With Your Team

Once a week, you schedule a live chat between your community and staff in your organization. Rotate the staff if you like, keep it fresh. Pick

How Many People Can You Really Look After?

Growing a community that’s too big for you to manage is dumb. Sadly, it’s the goal of most corporate communities. 1 community manager looking after

You Need Community Members To Cross A 3 Week Hump

I’m a member of 37 online communities I’ve joined and no longer participate (that I can recall). That’s a big number. The majority of these I

When To Arrange Your Community’s First Meeting And What To Expect

Arranging a meeting is something of a community litmus test. You see exactly who cares enough about the community to show up. So when should

Creating A Sense Of Belonging In Your Online Community

Not many groups offer a sense of belonging. Most groups don’t try. Members join for a tangible benefit rather than an emotional need. When a

Should Moderators Be Paid? Not If You Have A Strong Community

Years ago, I was the head-bozo of the European Counter-Strike League. If you’ve ever run any competitive internet event, especially for a youth audience, you

Mastering Chicken And The Egg Communities

You see a lot of chicken and the egg communities. They are the communities that connect two groups of people in a mutually beneficial way

Open Question

It’s simple. In the comments below tell us which branded online communities are your favourite (and why). You might be the founder (feel free to

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