How To Really Host An Effective Competition In Your Community

Competitions hosted within a community usually aren’t so effective. Competitions rewarding individuals for individual contributions go against the nature of what you’re trying to do.

Speeding The Growth Of Your Community

Don’t rush.  If your community is growing, but not as fast as you would like, don't try to speed it up. Revise your forecasts and

Take Advantage Of Primal Instincts To Build A Community

We’re innately wired to find groups. Groups mean safety. In the animal kingdom this is physical safety. Lions pick off the isolated prey first. If

Never Be Afraid That Nobody Will Join Your Community When You Launch

Don’t be afraid that nobody will join your community. Assume that’s what will happen. Assume you have 0 members when you launch. Reaching 100 members

4 Types Of Contributions You Want Your Members To Make Into Your Community

You need to work like crazy to encourage members to make lots of contributions (tiny personal investments) into your community. The more investments you persuade

The First Members Of Your New Online Community

The first people to join your online community should be people that you know. If you personally know 50 people in your community’s topic field,

An Overlooked Tactic To Bond An Online Community

If you met me we would strike up a conversation until we hit common ground. That would be the platform from which we build our

Arrange A Web Chat

Many top bloggers do webcasts that reach just a few hundred people. Your online community probably has more than that. So why haven’t you invited

The A-List Members Of Your Community

Every community should have A-List members. Usually it’s implicit. The regulars know who the top members are. There isn’t a need to make a list,

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