The Biggest Threat To Your Job

Soon street-wise (real world) community professionals will realize they can be far more effective if the use the internet. Then they will come after our

Don’t Misunderstand Sense Of Purpose

Sense of purpose is misunderstood. You don’t set the sense of purpose for your community, you provide the platform that epitomises it. The distinction is

6 Unexpectedly Brilliant Books About Building Online Communities

If you’re disappointed with most books about communities, I recommend you try these. By far, I’ve learnt more from these than any book dedicated solely

A Free Invite With Every Purchase

Grow your community by converting your current customers. Include a free written invite to your community with every product purchase. Include it in your reply

Recreate Your City

Building a community for your street was too easy. So build a community for your city instead. Most councils and governments fail spectacuarly at this,

12 Ways To Doom Your Community Before You Launch

If you get the concept of your community wrong, you’re doomed. This is beyond design and functionality, it’s the concept of what your community will

Personality ;-)

Personality isn’t accidental. You deliberately decide which personality your community will have. Helpful and nice is great, but boring. You shouldn’t decide on this personality

This Wasn’t Part Of The Plan

Metrics are easy to measure. You can measure avg. time on site. You can measure the number of members. You can measure inbound links. You

Why People Stay In Your Community

Why don’t you leave Facebook if you hate the new design? Why do you stay in communities through some really bad times? Here are 7

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