100 Online Community Ideas

Looking to start your online community? Need some ideas? Here are 100 to get you started. Some are personal, some are business, some are something

You’re Probably Targeting The Wrong People

It’s easy to get internet veterans to join your community. It’s harder to persuade them to become active participants. The more communities someone has joined,

When Should You Quit?

There are three points at which you can quit building a community. The first is when you fail. There’s no shame in failing, you tried

How To Persuade Employees To Join Your Company’s Online Community

Your employees probably aren’t keen to help you build a community. It’s more work for them. It’s not even in their job description. If you

Free Communities

Build the websites for free, sell the community building.  Bill Gates blindsided everyone. When the competition were selling hardware, he sold software. He knew hardware

Your Community Of Friends

Here’s a challenge, start a community for your circle of friends. It’s harder than you think. The point is to skip the difficulties of finding

Why People Join And Participate In Online Communities

People join a community for one reason, but participate for another. You join a writers’ community to improve your writing. You need to interact with

Top Posts

I caved. You can now read a list of the 15 most popular posts on the right side of this blog (feed readers, you need

The Difference Between Good And Bad Moderators

You’re angry. You make an angry post and go to bed. The next day, the post is gone. You have a message from the moderator.

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