Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Over-Reliance And Diversification

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

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Kevin mentions the danger of being dependent on a single platform.

This is true of communities too. If your community can solely communicate through one platform, what happens if that platform suffers a catastrophic failure? What happens if the company goes bankrupt?

Even if you could set up a new platform, how would you tell members about it? 

You need more than a single channel of communication with members. You need a mailing list that collects the e-mail of every member that registers.

You also need to have a Facebook and/or Twitter account where they can update members about things going on in the community.

Help members to connect beyond the community platform. Create informal networks through which news about the community can travel. Build up a resiliancy to future problems.

This is true of growth too. If all your growth originates from one channel, it's time to attract growth from others channels. 

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