Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

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Create 50% Of The Asset

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

The output of a community is the asset.

That asset might be.

  • A database of people and their unique skill sets.
  • A group of top experts to give feedback and support on projects.
  • A powerful sense of community that provides everyone with a sense of belonging.
  • A knowledge base of documented best practice.
  • An event (or series of events) you can expect everyone to attend.
  • A destination to make connections.
  • An updated list of opportunities.

But telling any group of people to create a powerful asset from scratch is a big ask. It might work for Wikipedia, but it probably won’t work for you. Nobody wants to create the first 100 entries…or even the first 1000.

So create half the asset at your own cost and expense first. This shows both your commitment and provides examples for people to work from.

That might mean manually searching for half the entries, creating a wiki and adding the community’s collective wisdom from the past five years. It might mean manually making those connections for years. Whatever that asset is, if you want it to take off you should create half of it first. Better yet, you’re creating unique value to attract more people.

It’s a lot easier to have a party if you provide the drinks.

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