Seeing The Emotion Behind The Behavior

I’m not much of an artist, but from what I’ve (over)heard the skill isn’t so much how you move the pencil, but whether you are

Naming Conventions on Gamification Levels

Take a look at the screenshot below. The person in first place has 84% more points than the person in 7th place, yet they both

Don’t Be Defensive

The moment you get defensive, take insults personally or react badly to criticism you’ve lost the chance of building a positive relationship with that member

Why Most Solutions To Community Problems Fail

A large part of community consultancy is spending more time than most diagnosing community problems.

Far too many people rush into solutions without clearly defining the problem. Here are two (fairly common) examples.

Example 1 – The Bad Community Website

One client right now has a community platform that’s hindering people from participating. An obvious solution would be to suggest fixes to improve the website. But this doesn’t solve the problem. The problem is how did they wind up with a subpar community website in the first place?

% Of Visits From Mobile

This is data from one client: Here is data from another: And here’s another: Two important things here. The first is the range. 15% to

The Unsubscribe Problem

I worked with one client this year where members were given the option to opt out of all automated email contacts from the community. This

Read This

Trust me, you will learn more about communities this week reading this article than any other. It’s an academic article, but far more readable

The Easy Way vs. The Hard Way (or how to build a huge community in days)

Start a Facebook group. Pay a top expert to host an exclusive event. Promote it via social ads (or pay other influencers to promote it).

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