Building Up Smaller Traditions

The best traditions begin small. They are things members, perhaps just 2 to 3, were doing anyway. Over time they become convention. More people join

You Should Allow Members To Publicly Shame Each Other

Karen writes about #DroughtShaming (a hashtag created to shame people that waste water): "Drought shaming and other attempts at informal social control rely on social interaction, specifically our

Building Communities Inside And Outside Existing Ecosystems

As per the previous post, there is a big difference between building a community where there is a large, existing, ecosystem and one when there

The Power And Politics of Communities

It might come as a shock when existing influencers and leaders within your topic's ecosystem don't join and support your noble community efforts.  It's easy

Why Big Audiences Become Very Small Communities

There are two common ways to build a thriving community. The first is to begin with a huge audience and promote heavily to build a

The Rapid Trend Towards Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication will soon become the norm.  Almost every large organisation (with at least one competent security professional) we work with will now only use

A Recommended Video Collection (and a free video)

A few months ago, I was honoured to speak at Moz's incredible Inbound Marketing Conference. I learned more from this conference than any other I've

If You Want Members To Take Action

If you’re trying to get a community to take action, make sure the action is something members will enjoy.  Telling members to sign petitions, write

Motives Matter To Members – Building A Community When Trust In Institutions Is Low

When a member joins your community, they’re giving you power. The more people in your community, the more power you have. That power might mean

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