Training Your Members

Janet highlighted something that isn't covered by the community management framework; training your members. Who is responsible for training members to be better at what

Community Growth Hacking

When you launch a community, you face a chicken and the egg problem. Nobody wants to join a community until there is activity there. However,

Natural Growth Caps

Before a community is launched, you must build relationships with prospective members. These are the founding members. These are the people that join when there's


It’s very hard to build a genuine community for a transient audience. Communities for teenage entrepreneurs all suffer the same problem. By the time the

A Few Rules For Choosing Your Online Community Platform

A few months ago a potential client confessed they were going with a terrible platform because their CEO was friends with the guy that made

FeverBee’s Community Management Course

In two weeks time, we’re launching our community management course. If you’re just beginning your community efforts, this course will guide you through the entire

Exploding To Life

No amount of planning and preparation is going to make your community explode into life.  Even if you pulled off the most successful marketing campaign

Rivalries, Conflicts, Grievances, And Communities

3 years ago, when my barber first heard I had moved to the area, he took it upon himself to tell me about the local

Overcoming The ‘Too Busy To Participate’ Problem in CoPs

About half of our clients manage communities of practice (CoPs). The most common problem facing those involved in communities of practice is busyness. Their target

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