A Good Assumption To Make

Sagazone, a community for the 50+ founded by Saga, is dead. Recently there have been complaints about content posted in the Soapbox and Debate Zone.

The Pros And Cons Of Growing A Community

There are two schools of thought. First, when you grow a community, each member sees the possibility of having a bigger impact. They have an

The Problem With Community Platforms (and asking the right questions)

Discourse looks interesting. It looks sleek, modern, and displays most of what people need. It’s also open-source. It might be a fantastic new community platform.

A Simple, Effective, Community Platform Design

It’s tricky to find many well-designed community sites on Drupal (or at all). Too many focus on content. They place the content at the top

Handling Abuse

Last week, I had to change the time of a free community strategy webinar by one hour. A few people e-mailed me with abusive messages. 

Far Beyond The Call Of Duty

Your job description probably covers about 30% of what you should be doing.  It probably prioritises being reactive over being proactive. It probably doesn't embrace

Join Us For A Training Day In London, March 9th

When was the last time you applied something you learnt at a conference?  Most are great for highlighting new ideas, some are terrific for networking,

Explaining Conflicts in Communities (with a 40,000 word debate about Star Trek)

Take a look at this 40,000 word debate between Wikipedia editors about whether to capitalize the ‘i’ in the name Star Trek: i/Into Darkness.  For

Permeable Boundaries Between Groups

Imagine you attended a meetup for a new hobby.  You were introduced to people, but most of the regulars only spoke to other regulars. Imagine

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