False Consensus Bias

The blogosphere would have you believe that Facebook users are up in arms about the end of Facebook voting, Facebook private data policy changes, or

A Quick Review of 2012

If you’ve been asleep for the last year, this is what you’ve missed: 1) FeverBee grows The community space continues to grow and FeverBee along

Community of Action

A community of action has unique characteristics.  If you’re trying to change something in the world, then your processes will be very different. First you

Creating A Content Calendar

The following is an edited excerpt from Buzzing Communities.  A content calendar should identify not only the categories of content that will be used, but

The Checklist

A long time ago, we wrote a checklist for your community efforts. The goal was to help you identify where you are now and what

Reliable Early Activity

Here is a common question. How do we get members to join a community where there is no activity? Building up a group of 50

What Affects Most Members Over The Long-Term?

A lot of people would probably love community management to be about being nice to people online. If someone has a question, you help them.

Download Half Of My Book For Free

Thank you for giving me your time and attention for the last few years. You can now download half of my book, Buzzing Communities, for free.

Segmenting And Contacting Members Of Your Community

It’s good to contact members by e-mail. You can remind members to participate, highlight interesting activities, help foster a greater sense of community through a

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