Group Commitment, Relationship Development and Volunteers

Every month we’re reviewing the latest relevant theories from social sciences and their application for community managers.  This week we cover how to elicit strong

The Cost Of A Community That Doesn’t Buzz

We underestimate the costs of a community that doesn’t buzz. A lifeless community hurts you financially. At the low end, you can spend a few

How To Keep Members For The Long Term

Look at this table. It’s a systematic sample (every nth) of 100 members which made a contribution to the community 6 months ago. Of these, 37

The Right Tactics For The Right Audience Size

The total feasible audience size (TFAS) changes how you approach your community. If the TFAS  is small (say, <1k members), then your plan for growth is more relaxed.

New Members And New Topics

Some believe that communities form for a common purpose. Once the community has achieved that purpose, the community disbands. I’m not sure this is true.

Use A Meta Area For Dedicated Members

Groups want information about the group. It increases their attachment to the group I'm a fan of having a community meta area. StackExchange does this well.

The Best Way To Grow A Community

(The following extract is from Buzzing Communities: How to grow Bigger, Better, And More Active Communities) The best way to grow a community is to

What Does A Buzzing Community Look Like?

The name for the book, Buzzing Communities, was fairly obvious.  But what does a buzzing community look like?  There are three elements: 1) High levels

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