
Here is a quick observation.  A lot of branded communities are very patronizing to their members.  Treat your members as if they are as smart

Huge Online Communities: What Do You Work On Next?

Some communities are huge. They have thousands, potentially millions, of members. They generate thousands of posts every day. What do you do with these communities?

Narrow The Scope For Your Community

Narrowing the scope is an effective tool to solve many community problems. It’s tempting to try to do too much. Your community might have multiple

Removing A Provocative Member

Imagine you have a prvocative member. S/he provokes everyone. S/he goads people, criticizes every idea and is universally hated by the community. Should s/he be

The Enemy

An enemy is a powerful tool to unite a community. An enemy can be an idea, an upcoming event, or a rival group. But it’s

What Happens At The End Of The Year?

It’s coming up to the end of the year. Soon, most of your members will be going through an annual shared experience together. This is

Building Strong Relationships Between Members: Some Practical Steps

There is often a gap in communities between those which stimulate a lot of interactions and those which have developed relationships between members. This is

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