
Community Benchmarks and Standards


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We’ve created this resource to help you benchmark your community against best practices to determine what is and is not working. If you do not have a community, this provides  a useful map to guide your efforts. If you do have a community, you can use this to establish how your community is doing today and where you need to improve.

These benchmarks generally focus on the community technology experience and the skills of the community team/strategy of the community team.

These benchmarks cover best practices for:

  • Community Strategy.
  • Engagement.
  • MVP / Superuser Programs.
  • Gamification
  • Onboarding newcomers.
  • Community staff / team.
  • Overall levels/ratings.

Each area is broken down into multiple categories with standards ranging from level 0 to 4.

Engagement Benchmark Chart
See how your engagement activities stack up against best practices.

Please review each set of standards (you may need to move in) for each section and provide an honest rating of where your community is now. You can do this by sliding the yellow circles after each ranking to the corresponding level (double click on the circle to move it).

Not every element will be relevant to every community, so please feel free to adapt it as you see fit. The purpose of this resource is to help you identify where your community needs to improve as part of your strategic plan.

community engagement benchmarks
Our benchmarking package lets you see where you are today and what you need to improve.

If you need any help, please ask in the FeverBee experts community.

Once you have completed this, be sure to note the next level on each of your benchmarks. These will be important when you develop your full community strategy.

You can now easily present these standards in the future.

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