The Broader Role Of Moderators In Online Communities

The traditional moderator role focuses on the problems of a community. People might post bad things, conflicts might erupt etc.. Moderation doesn’t have to be

The Status Dilemma: Don’t Bite The Hook

Every day, someone will say something you disagree with. They might even say something about you. We’re very sensitive about our status. Most arguments are

A Fascinating Approach

Learning Pool has an intriguing approach to converting newcomers into regulars.  Their customer service team attempts to interact with every member which joins. Together they test

Remove Members Quickly

It’s your community. You can remove whomever you like for any reason you like. That’s not a mandate to go on a power crazed rampage.

Communities For Start-Ups

Technology start-ups don’t usually want or need a community. They either want an online customer service channel or they want advocates to promote their technology.

Look For New Discussion Ideas

Spend some time each month looking at other highly active communities. These don’t have to be in your sector, they just need to be highly

Community Identity

You should do everything in your power to help create and foster a strong community identity. This wont be the same identity as your organization.

Most Brands Want An Online Customer Service Channel, Not A Genuine Community

Do you want a genuine community or a customer service channel? Neither is bad, but each is unique. A genuine community effort involves bringing together

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