The law against bad buzz

I prematurely dismissed this bill on Wadd’s PR blog. I recommend every PR/Social Media agency in existence read Andy Senovitz’s post: Can Word of Mouth

Your competitors are buying your brand!

Very soon your competitors can bid for your company’s name on Google (and you can bid for theirs). Your efforts to ensure that when a

Dove TV

Marketing Week reports Dove are creating a digital channel. Well isn’t this the ultimate content challenge? It’s effectively non-stop adverts (like Steve Jobs’ keynote speech)

If you had the choice, how much would you pay?

David Maister points out a satisfaction guarantee I love: "If you’re interested in seeing whether we are right for you and your team, try us

I’m in the content business, so are you

You know, I think I’m in the content business. You probably are too, it’ a big industry. It’s that thin line where our business cousins

Where are the discussions about pitching for new business?

A major part of blogging is thought leadership. When you share useful advice you become an expert, and experts are in demand. As such, agency

Strange sources of inspiration

I don’t think anything is more fun in PR than brainstorming. For starters, the food is great. You have a variety of biscuits and doughnuts

How many small businesses really fail?

Half of all UK small businesses fail within the first three years, 80% fail within the first five years. That’s a statistic I’ve heard fairly

YouTube Stats

I sincerely hope that no marketing agencies out there were using ‘views’ as the measurement of success for a YouTube video. Now stats for videos

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