Analyze Why It Works
At this stage, you usually want to run a simple correlation analysis. At the most basic level, this is really simple to run. You use the metrics you previously collected from the tactical analysis (e.g. reach, views) and then the metrics from your survey response to see if they are correlated.
You can perform this using the =CORREL feature in Excel or Google Sheets.
Do they both rise and fall with each other over time?
You then look to see how positively correlated they are. For example, if the combined views of videos, questions asked, or length of time videos were watched rises closely with a change in attitudes or envy of the experts, this might imply a relationship*.
You will also be able to see which tactics are most effective here. For example, which tactics correlate most closely with an increase in whatever proxy metric you are using to measure the strategy. Running a correlation analysis at the most primitive level can be done simply in Excel.

This indicates that both views and viewing time have a moderate and strong correlation with the emotion we are trying to provoke. You could also run a regression analysis to indicate how a likely increase in one variable will impact another, or (ideally) a multiple regression analysis to reveal the influence of each on the envy and any potential overlap between them.
You can now embrace this within your analysis to reveal useful insight.

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