Which Emotions Lead To Higher Levels Of Participation?

In political psychology, it’s known anger is the strongest emotion for increasing participation. If you can make your audience mad about something, levels of participation

The Reddit Problem

Reddit is more popular than ever…and losing money. They’ve asked their users to buy gold accounts. The honesty is refreshing, and it might just work. But

Life Time Value Of A Member

Most communities have a terrible newcomer to regular conversion ratio. Of 100,000 unique new ips that visit the platform per month, some 1,000 might click

Go To Your Customer Service and Sales Team

Ask them what your audience is most interested in. Ask them what topics make people very passionate. Ask them what are the biggest problems your

Change The Way Your Team, Your Organization, And Your Clients Develop Communities

Can you guess the biggest problem most community professionals have? It’s their own company..or their clients, partners etc… Most of you work on teams, in

Shape The Forces That Bring A Community Together

Think about the situations where you’ve felt a connection with a group of strangers. I bet it was in a situation when the group either:

Creating Terrific Content For Your Community

Content does three things for a community. 1) It creates a social order for the community. Content highlights who or what is popular in the

How Your Community Newsletter Appears

Sign up to the newsletters of other communities. How do they appear in your inbox? Do they look like this? Do any of these inspire

The Lines You Don’t Cross

Sometimes, it's not working. You're not getting enough members, you're not getting enough activity.  Things can get desperate. This is a dangerous place to be.

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